1. S ohľadom na Váš email z 8. 1. 2015...

With reference to your email of /dated 8th January 2015...


  1. V nadväznosti na Vašu správu si Vás dovoľujem požiadať, aby ste zistili podrobnosti o probléme s realizáciou pokynov.

Based on your information, I would like to ask you to find out the details regarding the problem with the instructions implementation.


  1. Píšeme Vám, aby sme potvrdili stretnutie, ktoré sa bude konať 5. 1. 2015.

We are writing to confirm the meeting that will be held/will take place on 5th January 2015.


  1. Vážený pán Green, verím, že Vaše stretnutie s našimi zástupcami Vám poskytlo doplňujúce informácie o projekte.

Dear Mr. Green, I believe that your meeting with our representatives has provided you with additional information on the project.


  1. Potvrdzujeme prijatie Vášho e-mailu zo dňa 25. 1. 2015.

We confirm/acknowledge receiving/the receipt of your email of 25th January 2015.


  1. Boli by sme Vám vďační, ak by ste nám potvrdili Vašu účasť v krátkom čase.

We would be grateful/thankful to you if you could confirm your participation in a short time.


  1. Musíme sa ospravedlniť za oneskorenú odpoveď na Váš list z 12. 1. 2015.

We have to apologize for a delayed reply/response to your letter of 12th January 2015.


© PaedDr. Eva Gáboríková, PhD.
Publikácia: Translation Exercises of Professional Sentences from Letters and Emails for Everyone